Friday, August 29, 2014

Perfectly Sweet Corn

Nothing says summer like corn on the cob!  I make it often...especially when it's on sale!  Since I only do my shopping once a week (and I can't always make it to the Farmer's Market) my corn is not always - in fact is rarely - off-the-stalk fresh.  Never fear, my corn on the cob recipe will make everyone believe that you grew it at home.

Perfectly Sweet Corn on the Cob

4 - 6 ears of corn, husks and silk removed
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

Fill large soup kettle with water and bring to boil.  Add sugar and lemon juice.  Carefully add corn.  Boil 3 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit in hot water for another 7.  Remove with tongs and enjoy!

Note:  I highly recommend the Pampered Chef corn cob holders.  You screw them in before you cook the corn.  Easy peasy.  

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