Saturday, August 23, 2014

Easiest Watermelon Granita - Perfect Dessert for 90 Degree Days

During the summer, I buy a watermelon every week (fyi - they're $2.99 at Aldi now).  I cut it into chucks and store it in the fridge for easy snacking.  After the melon has been in there a few days and it starts to seep its juice, my family won't eat it.  That's when I make granita.  Granita is a icy dessert of pureed fruit and sugar.  Although it sounds fancy and looks pretty, but is really REALLY easy to make.  Plus, it is cold and refreshing...a perfect dessert to have in August!

To make granita you must have access to either a food processor or a blender.  If you have one of those machines, you are good to go!

Watermelon Granita

4 cups cubed, seedless watermelon
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp lime juice
optional:  1-2 tsp finely minced fresh mint or basil

Put all items in the food processor or blender and process until all chunks are gone.  Pour pulpy mixture into a metal baking pan.  Freeze for 1, then stir to get rid of chunks.  Freeze for another 2 hours, then scrape the surface with a fork to create little icy flakes (NOTE: If you use a glass pan, like me, the initial freeze time will be longer).  Store in freezer.  When ready to serve, scrape again with a fork and spoon into bowls.  Delish!

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