Monday, September 29, 2014

Homemade Nesquick

My friends know that I have a serious problem with chocolate Nesquick.  OMG...I'm like a six-year-old when it's near.  I LOVE IT!  I'm kind of a cheapskate, so I only get it when it's on sale.  So when I found a recipe for a homemade version, I needed to give it a try!  Here it is....what do you think?

Homemade Nesquick

2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa
pinch of salt

Mix thoroughly and store in a air tight container.  Add 1-2 Tbsp to milk, stir and enjoy.  Or, my favorite: Sprinkle over vanilla ice cream and top with crushed 'Nilla wafers.

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