Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mom's Pumpkin Bars - Best Ever!

This is what pumpkin bars should taste like.  There is no substitute.  Make these and enjoy!  Yum!

Pumpkin Bars (Mom’s recipe) 

* 4 eggs
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 cup salad oil
* 15 oz. can Festal pumpkin
Mix above ingredients in large bowl.

Sift the following and add to above:
* 2 cups flour
* ½ tsp. salt
* ½ tsp. cloves
* 2 tsp. baking powder
* 2 tsp. cinnamon
* ½ tsp. nutmeg
* 1 tsp. soda
* ½ tsp. ginger
Mix well and pour into greased and floured 8x12 jelly roll pan. Bake at 350F for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool before frosting.

* 6 oz. cream cheese
* ¾ stick butter
* 1 Tbsp. cream or milk
* 1 tsp. vanilla
* 4 cups powdered sugar
Cream together cheese, butter, and vanilla until soft. Gradually add powdered sugar until correct consistency to spread.

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